Sam's family

Sam's family

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

At the doctor

Yesterday we were seeing Corrie's doc. The nurse asked Sam what his favorite food was for Thanksgiving. With not much of a response, she went on to name Thanksgiving foods and ask if he liked each one. She said her favorite was rolls and biscuits. She asked Sam if he liked biscuits and he said he didn't like 'dog biscuits', but he did like 'women biscuits'.

We've uploaded a picture of Doctor Sam and two videos (one filmed by Tyler and one by Josh) of Bible verses Sam has learned at church. Enjoy!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Fifteen Minutes With Sam

We thought Sam was playing a game on the iPhone Wednesday. Here's what he was doing...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

God and baby boy

Yesterday, we were at the doctor's office and the nurse was measuring all of baby's limbs and everything via ultrasound. She measured the baby's femur. Sam looked at me very concerned and said, "The baby's not feeling well." I asked him why he thought that. He said, "He has a fever." (femur)

Then on the way home, we saw some big houses and Sam said, "Maybe someday I can climb up one of those houses and God can reach down His hand from heaven and pull me up."

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Sam!

Samuel turned 4 yesterday. When he woke up, we asked if he was 4 now. And he said not yet, not until I eat my cupcake.

Sam has had some funny sayings lately so we'll share them now...

The other day Sam got hit in the mouth and had a fat lip. He told us that he needed Pedialyte!

On the 4th of July, we were at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Sam: Grandma, my bottom hurts, so I need whip crean(cream).

In preparing for and on our way to Disney World recently, we watched and thought about disney movies. We watched 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea. Sam later talked about '100 Years Under The Sea' and he also brought up Nemo. Sam: You know in Nemo, the annoying doctor throws Nemo away. It's so annoying!

And now to my favorite 2...

Our good friend and Thursday night babysitting swapper, Carmen Imes asked Sam if he wanted a boy or girl baby. Sam said, "A boy. Or maybe a girl. Or maybe some kind of animal!"

Sam: Dear God, Thank you for this great day I had. Thank you for the food at the Imes. I hope that we all have a good sleep tonight. I have a really good drum set, God. And thank you for the computer for dad. In Jesus name, Dear God amen.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

A new creature

On Wednesday this week (May 12), Sam and I sat down to lunch as usual. Before we ate, I prayed, "Dear Jesus, Thank you for our food and thank you for Daddy and Tyler and Joshua. Amen." And, Sam added, "And thank you, God, for dying on the cross to take our punish." As I have many times before, I said, "That's right, Sam. Do you want to tell Jesus you're sorry for the bad things you've done and ask Him to come into your heart?" Every time I've asked him this before, he's always been quick to answer no, not really. But, this time, he said, "Yes!" I asked him if he wanted to pray the words after me, and he did! He was very excited there was a party in Heaven!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Being Joy

Sam: Mom you have to be joy and I have to be joy. Corrie: Yeah you're right. Sam: Because sometimes you're mean and sometimes I'm mean. So we both have to be joy.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree

So I wasn't sure I should put this, because it reveals a lot about me. :) Corrie and Sam and I were in the car the other day discussing the menu for company. I suggested something and Corrie had already planned something else. I told Cor that what she had chosen was great... to which she responded I don't want to make you choose this. We can do what you want too.

I then reminded her that I rarely do something just because someone else thinks it's a good idea. I don't like to be told what to do. I am my own person... and I think you're menu idea is great. The voice in the backseat: RIGHT DAD!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bathroom Habits

After Sam had gone to the bathroom during dinner tonight, he came back to the table, and I asked him, "Did you wash your hands?" "Nope," he responded. He started walking back to the bathroom and on his way, he said, "I've GOT to learn this!"

Monday, February 22, 2010

Control, commitment and attitude

As I posted Sam's last saying, I thought of at least 3 recent ones we haven't included...

My parents and Tyler and Josh were talking about having Jesus in their heart. Sam was trying to understand, so Tyler and Josh began explaining that when Jesus comes into your heart He has control over your life... to which Sam quickly responded: I don't WANT anyone to control my life!

A few weeks ago, Corrie was telling Sam to come downstairs to do something to which Sam responded: I'm not committed to you!

And just a few days ago, I was asking Sam to something and he began whining. So I explained that I needed him to happily and readily offer to do what I said, and he said: I don't like that attitude!


Last weekend the boys stayed with Dan's parents. In the words of Dan's Mom, here's what Sam said...

Sam wanted to play with Tyler but Tyler wanted to play by himself. Tyler had couple of new lego toys and he wasn't at all interested in playing with anyone. Sam kept bugging Tyler. So finally I said to Sam, "Sam, it takes two people who want to play together in order to be able to play, If one person wants to play but the other doesn't want to play, it won't work. Both people need to WANT to play".

Sam listened carefully and then responded, "That sounds tricky!"

Friday, January 29, 2010

Giving Away

Sam, after Daddy was teasing him: If you be mean to me, we'll have to give you away.
After we all smiled, holding our laughter because of his cuteness, Sam said: That's not funny. I'm not kidding.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Walk in the Sun

Sam and I just returned home from taking a walk in the sun with Winter, our dog. Sam was all snuggled with his stuffed animals and blankets in the stroller, and the sun was shining beautifully. Near the end of our walk, Sam said to me, "Mom, I quit the sun." "Why?" I asked him. "Because it makes my eyes shine."

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Star Wars

In the car tonight, the discussion turned to Star Wars per usual. Everyone was choosing characters to be like Luke Skywalker or Han Solo or Princess Leia. Sam said, "I could be R2, but I would have to grow small, and I would have to have colorful paintings. . . but not like girls' dresses. It would be blue and white."

Monday, January 25, 2010

Hershey Kiss

Yesterday after lunch, Sam wanted a Hershey Kiss for dessert. As he was unwrapping it, he dropped it on the ground. He very apologetically looked down at the ground and said, "Sorry hershey."

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My Punch Part

Last night Sam got out of bed to tell us that his "punch part" hurt and that he needed an ice pack for it. So I asked him what his punch part is and he pointed to his knuckles.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sam's past sayings

As we start this blog, we thought we'd list some of Sam's past sayings...

January 6 - Just put Sam to bed and he came out and stayed out after I told him to go back to bed. Dan: Sam, I'm gonna have to spank you if you don't go back to bed. Sam on his way running back to bed: OKAY, GOT IT!!

January 5 - Corrie was putting Sam in timeout today and Sam said as he's sitting there... But Mom, I'm allergic to sitting in the timeout chair.

December 28 - Yesterday after watching his 15 year old cousins play air hockey, he followed them up the stairs saying, "Hey Hockey Girls, listen up!"

December 24 - Just went to the airport to pick up my bros from the airport. Sam and his 11 year old cousin, Graham came with. In the back, Sam keeps shooting Graham in the backseat. So here's what I hear. Graham: Why are you shooting me? We are both good guys. Sam: I don't know. I thought it would be funny, but it wasn't.

December 23 - Sam was just going to the bathroom before nap time and he was supposed to be washing his hands. After a few minutes, I asked from my room what he was doing because he hadn't finished washing his hands and he hadn't come yet. Sam: I'm wasting time!

December 22 - We had lots and lots of family over tonight. My bro asked Sam what his shirt said. (It was a Wheaton College t-shirt and said 'WHEATON') Sam: It's just a bunch of letters.

December 19 - I was shaving my head this morning... Sam came in and asked: Are you shaving your hairs? Dan: Yep. Sam: Now you're gonna have just a head.

December 7 - Our boys are in love with their niece, who was adopted from China. I'm guessing Meying inspired this??? Sam: Claps then says... I can make this sound in Chinese. Me: Wow! Sam: And I can make this sound in Chinese... claps twice. Then he tells me, I can make lots of sounds in Chinese and does some goofy sounds with his tongue (like a baby would do). I'm thinking his sounds sounded very American too.