As we start this blog, we thought we'd list some of Sam's past sayings...
January 6 - Just put Sam to bed and he came out and stayed out after I told him to go back to bed. Dan: Sam, I'm gonna have to spank you if you don't go back to bed. Sam on his way running back to bed: OKAY, GOT IT!!
January 5 - Corrie was putting Sam in timeout today and Sam said as he's sitting there... But Mom, I'm allergic to sitting in the timeout chair.
December 28 - Yesterday after watching his 15 year old cousins play air hockey, he followed them up the stairs saying, "Hey Hockey Girls, listen up!"
December 24 - Just went to the airport to pick up my bros from the airport. Sam and his 11 year old cousin, Graham came with. In the back, Sam keeps shooting Graham in the backseat. So here's what I hear. Graham: Why are you shooting me? We are both good guys. Sam: I don't know. I thought it would be funny, but it wasn't.
December 23 - Sam was just going to the bathroom before nap time and he was supposed to be washing his hands. After a few minutes, I asked from my room what he was doing because he hadn't finished washing his hands and he hadn't come yet. Sam: I'm wasting time!
December 22 - We had lots and lots of family over tonight. My bro asked Sam what his shirt said. (It was a Wheaton College t-shirt and said 'WHEATON') Sam: It's just a bunch of letters.
December 19 - I was shaving my head this morning... Sam came in and asked: Are you shaving your hairs? Dan: Yep. Sam: Now you're gonna have just a head.
December 7 - Our boys are in love with their niece, who was adopted from China. I'm guessing Meying inspired this??? Sam: Claps then says... I can make this sound in Chinese. Me: Wow! Sam: And I can make this sound in Chinese... claps twice. Then he tells me, I can make lots of sounds in Chinese and does some goofy sounds with his tongue (like a baby would do). I'm thinking his sounds sounded very American too.